• Private Lessons

    Private lessons are tailored, focused, technical and the best way to fast-track students towards their goals.

    Private lessons are available in Singing/Musica Theatre, Speech & Drama and Acting.

    Open to students of all ages (youth and adults).

  • Group Lessons

    We provide group classes in a number of different facets of the arts:


    Musical Theatre

    Screen Acting

    Group classes are split by age groups, and are a supportive and nurturing environment where students can achieve their performance goals and work towards group examinations.

    Junior #1 - 5 - 7 Years

    Junior #2 - 7- 9 Years

    Intermediate - 10-12 Years

    Senior - 13+ Years

  • Production Workshops

    Brainstorm - Term 2 2024

    Legally Blonde Jr - Term 4 2024

    Each year we produce TWO productions that anyone aged 10 - 18 years can be involved in (students and non-current students).

    These are workshopped over a short period of time to ensure focus and success.

    Production workshops have a production fee which covers workshops, merchandise, complimentary tickets, costumes and meals.

  • Theatre Camp

    April 14th - 17th 2025

    Waitawheta Camp, Waihi

    4 days, three nights of intensive training in acting, musical theatre, singing, dance, composition and performance, culminating in a performance for family and friends.

  • Mums & Bubs

    Fridays 10am - 11am

    An opportunity for Mums and babies to explore music and musical theatre for development and connection.

    Music at early ages helps children express themselves and share feelings. Even at an early age, they can sway, bounce, move their hands in response to music they hear. They can even make up their own songs. They learn to laugh, repeat words and it encourages them to use these words and memorise them.

  • Senior Musical Theatre


    Age should not be a barrier to exploring the performing arts and forging new friendships with like-minded people.

    We are excited to be bringing a daytime musical theatre class for our older performers mid-year. This class will explore singing, acting and movement, culminating in an end of year performance of a work of theatre.

  • Sheilah Winn Shakespeare

    Workshops starting Term 4

    We are looking forward to heading back to Sheilah Winn regionals in early 2025

    We will be looking for keen actors wishing to be in a series of teams, both adult directed and student directed later in the year.

  • Workshops

    FOUNDATONS OF DIRECTING - Commencing 01st June



Ready to achieve your goals?